Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What goes in must come out!

In being a better cosmetologist, I have decided to take a more wholistic approach to servicing my clients. I want to be able to help them identify problems going on internally that I can identify externally. As a nail technician I can tell when a person’s body is lacking water and moisture because their cuticles crack and split, hangnails appear, and their nails start to peel and the polish doesn’t hold as long. As a cosmetologist I need to see what the skin, scalp, and hair strands tell me.  Your skin, hair and nails will tell you what you are lacking or may have too much of in your system. I’m no expert but I have been educating myself more in this area so the following is just information that I have gathered that I thought may be useful to some of you.
Alopecia:  Is balding and could be directly related to problems with the liver. The liver filters organic and inorganic matter and results in the hormonal balance of the body. When the liver is experiencing any kind of problem it throws off the balance of the body affecting the hormonal balance of the papilla which is where the hair growth occurs.  Stress is also a major internal factor. This doesn’t mean you’re dying it just means that at your next doctor appointment mention the fact that you’ve been experiencing some balding and you would like to have your liver checked.
      Pills that can affect this are: penicillin, sleeping pills, birth control, blood pressure and excessive aspirin.
External Factors: Tight braids, rubber band ponytails, excessive rubbing in a particular area (scarves, coat collars, head wraps wrapped to tight)
Dry scalp: Internally can mean you are not getting enough water or you have a deficiency of something. Zinc and vitamin A work together and a deficiency can lead to dry hair and oily skin. A high level of copper can have an adverse effect and lead to dry hair and hair loss. Externally you are using a product that is drying (shampoo, spray’s, conditioner not good for your hair type, etc.)
***Too much zinc interferes with iron absorption   
Healthy foods to keep in your diet, don’t overcook your veggies because it takes out their nutrients the longer they cook:
Kale, Spinach
Broccoli, Nuts
Fruit, Whole grain
Eggs, Cheese
Liver, Rice
Milk, Brewer’s yeast
Carrots, Apricots
Fish liver oil, Tofu
Fish, Beans
Lentils, Kelp
Garlic, Avocados
Yogurt, Yams
Figs, Dates
Potatoes, Tuna and Mushrooms.
All of these foods contain Vitamin A, C, and E, Biotin, Inositol, Niacin, Vitamin B5, B12 and B6, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Selenium, Silica, Sulfur and Zinc. I am informing you of this because you may be taking vitamins or daily supplements and want to check with your doctor to make sure you are taking the right amount daily in conjunction with your daily intake of certain foods and not overdosing without realizing it.
***Just some tid bits of information to get you involved in keeping “you” beautiful inside and out!

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